Building Up Your Personal Investment Portfolio

With Mr. Joe Ferreria, President of Money Doctors, Inc.

By Dr. Rossana Lorenzo Sanchez

Our second speaker for the morning was Mr. Joe Ferreria, president of Money Doctors Inc., a financial planning firm giving expert advice on anything that has to do with attaining financial security—from household budgeting to estate planning to business and personal investments.

It is a company dedicated to its advocacy of helping Filipinos attain a state of life where they can be permanently wealthy. Mr. Ferreria, a registered financial planner, has been with the financial services industry for 35 years. In 2009, Joe retired at the age of 50 as Senior Executive Vice President of the Italian company, Generali, to build MoneyDoctors Inc.

He started out with a short introduction of their firm then went on to discussing the major influences that shape one’s spending behavior: Our parents, our friends from high school, mass media and incidents leading to financial trauma. He went discussing the 10 habits of the richest people in the world. He zeroed in on one particular point—that one of the most important habit is “they spend less than what they earn”. He even added that Lifestyle expenses should only comprise 10% or less of what one earns. He closed his short talk with this:

There is one secret that almost every rich person knows. This secret is very important because it’s the reason they are rich in the first place. This big secret can be summed up in the words of the mighty Aristotle: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

For more information on MoneyDoctors Inc., you can go to their website:
