By Angela C. Centeno
The Association of Philippine Orthodontists held its 3rd General meeting and Scientific Seminar last June 1, 2011 at Palm Groove, Rockwell Club Makati City. The program started with the invocation led by Dr. Chrysoine Marquez. The Welcome Remarks was given by the APO President, Dr. Roberto Tan. He presented the different activities of APO both locally and internationally wherein the most recent one was at the American Association of Orthodontists Annual Convention in Chicago. Dr. Tan also discussed the forthcoming 6th Biennial Regional Congress on August 8-9, 2011 in Tagaytay Highlands. This was followed by the discussion of Dr. Robert Eustaquio on matters regarding Philippine Board of Orthodontics.
The second part of the program was the scientific seminar with two Specialists introduced by Dr. Christine Bejasa. The first speaker was Dr. Marcelino Reysio-Cruz, a Developmental Pediatrician from Capitol Medical Center with his topic, “Developmental Problems in Children: Its Relation to Dental Treatment.” Dr. Mark spoke on ways of relating to people with disabilities with emphasis on their rights. He gave the differential diagnosis in developmental delays of children in several aspects like speech, auditory, social, emotional and cognitive. He proceeded with the discussion of Developmental problems like Autism. This is not an unusual disorder and common in boys. Dr. Mark gave the different criteria for autism such as
- impairment in social interaction and communication like lack of eye contact
- failure to develop peer relationships
- does not share enjoyment, interests or achievements with others
- lacks social or emotional reciprocity
- delay in spoken language
- unable to initiate or sustain a conversation with others
- stereotyped and repetitive use of language h. lacks make believe play i. motor mannerisms
Dr. Mark further discussed other disorders like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Down’s Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy and gave their core symptoms. The attendees found the lecture very informative and helpful in dealing with patients with behavioral and developmental problems.
The second speaker was Dr. Kristine Ongtengco, a pediatric dentist.Her topic is entitled “ The Various Techniques in the Management of Unerupted teeth.” She spoke on different eruption disturbances and their etiologies and proceeded with the diagnostic tools which will aid in treatment planning like visual examination, palpation, panoramic as well as occlusal radiograph and CTT scan. She gave a thorough discussion on the management of unerupted maxillary incisor teeth. Several cases were presented. There are cases which require no treatment and there are those which require extraction. Most interesting to the orthodontists are those which necessitate surgical exposure, bonding, orthodontic traction and final alignment.
It was such a very fruitful and productive day learning all the new medical information and orthodontic advances in diagnosis and treatment planning.