Delivered by Dr. Jose Manuel Rivera, APO President 2008-2010
Hon. Leonor T. Rosero (Chair, Professional Regulation Commission)
Dr. Leo Gerald de Castro ( President, Philippine Dental Association)
APO & PBO Officers
Fellow APO members
Beloved family members
Cherished friends, good evening!
Tonight I am humbled by the task that lies before me. Nevertheless I am honored to serve our members and our noble profession. The APO has been like a second family to me since my induction as member in 1996. Having been in the Board for almost ten years, I have been privileged to serve under the leadership of great men and women to whom I draw inspiration from.
Since 1980, our Association has had a long and illustrious history of devoted service to the upliftment of our profession with our membership steadily growing from a mere 8 to more than 140 as of this date. Recognition by the Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC), the World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO) and the Asian Pacific Orthodontic Society has made the name APO synonymous to Orthodontic excellence in the country.
Having said all this, it is not for us to simply enjoy the view from up here. It is our task to find a way to move forward with the times, always, continuously, boldly and courageously! And our task tomorrow will be no easier than it was yesterday.
Let me lay down the challenges that our Association faces as I see them:
- On the issue of Globalization, in an effort to standardize our Profession, the WFO will soon be setting guidelines making it mandatory for its members to be Board certified. Its implementation at the local level rests on the APO and the PBO.
- In line with this issue, the APO has to work closely with the Philippine Dental Association and the Professional Regulatory Commission for accreditation of our continuing education efforts and for recognition as the sole self-regulating Orthodontic body in the country.
- Thirdly, it will be our duty to take back our profession from the intrusion of lesser trained practitioners. This is our moral obligation to the public. Thus, a public awareness campaign will be one of the forefront projects of this administration.
- And finally it will be our task for our entire association to evolve into a more effective one for the future. We must communicate more openly and effectively with our members and accentuate the incredible value of membership in our Association.
These are but just a few of the challenges which confront us tonight. But I am confident and optimistic that the new board can confront the trials and opportunities which lie ahead. For those of you who are in the position to help, I humbly and sincerely request your assistance. Together we can make a difference. Together we are stronger.
Lastly I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the tireless efforts of the Board and the Congress Organizing committee for making this 6th Biennial National Congress a success. And to our speakers who are here with us tonight and to our loyal sponsors, our sincere gratitude. I am also proud to announce that preparations are already underway for our Regional Congress in Boracay this coming March 5 & 6, 2009. Coinciding with the Regional Congress, the APO will also be hosting the Asian Pacific Orthodontic Society (APOS) executive committee meeting which will be attended by the Orthodontic heads of the 15 member countries in the Asian-Pacific region.
With that I thank all of you for your kind attention. Let us enjoy the rest of the evening… “Mabuhay tayong lahat”!
– Dr. Jose Manuel Rivera, DMD, MSD, FAPO, FWFO, FADI
APO President 2008-2010
Click the icons below to see photos taken during the 6th National Congress.
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Speakers and Topics
Avoiding and Managing Orthodontic Errors and Prolonged Treatment Time by Appropriate Diagnoses, Treatment Plans and Biomechanical Treatment Procedures
Professor and Chairman
Department of Orthodontics
University of Alabama
Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Advances in techniques and technology allows for more appropriate diagnoses and treatment plans, and the orthodontist is currently able to carry out treatment that will achieve the highest standards of care in the shortest possible period of time. Treatment plans and treatment should follow the correct diagnosis and be evidence-based in order to achieve predictable, repeatable and optimal outcomes as well as create the best environment for long-term stability. The correct selection procedures tailored to specific needs of each patient can provide for much more efficient treatment with more predictable outcomes. Methods will be described that allow for reduced clinical treatment time, and also provide a scientific rationale for the procedures discussed. There are, however, situations where errors were made in diagnosis and followed by inappropriate biomechanical procedures. This may or may not be the fault of the clinician. Records have been collected and studied to learn what was incorrectly done and to describe methods to correct unwanted “side effects” of outcomes. The incorrect methods and reasoning will be discussed as well as the procedures to correct them in order to achieve more optimal results. Both optimal and less than optimal outcomes will be presented and the reasons for each of these discussed.
Clinical and Research Evidence Related to Orthodontic Anchorage
Professor and Chairman
Department of Orthodontics
Baylor College of Dentistry
Dallas, Texas, USA
The steps to an ideal orthodontic treatment plan always include consideration of appropriate anchorage. The sources at our disposal for securing anchorage are the teeth and alternatively, sources external to the teeth. Moreover, the lack of anchorage often leads to less desirable or compromised treatment outcomes. Over the years the search for adequate anchorage provided orthodontists with innovative appliances and techniques. Extra-oral, intra-arch biomechanics reinforce orthodontic anchorage and thereby facilitate advantageous tooth movement. However, these biomechanical systems do not permit total control of the active and reactive components; moreover, patient compliance is needed. Ideally, intra-oral anchorage points should be pursued which are immobile, biocompatible, easily usable, and independent of patient compliance. Mini-implants ideally fill this requirement and are without doubt a very successful and necessary adjunct to our non-compliant orthodontic armamentarium. There are still numerous unanswered questions, hence, the continuation of the pursuit to further enhance this exciting and important field of orthodontics. The purpose of this presentation is to enhance our present knowledge of anchorage use by exploring the literature, as well as providing experimental and clinical evidence of mini-screw implant anchorage as experienced in the Department of Orthodontics, Baylor College of Dentistry, Texas A & M University System Health Science Center, Dallas, Texas, USA.
Improving Your Orthodontic Skills; Fulfilling Your Orthodontic Potentials
Clinical Professor
Department of Orthodontics
Taipei Medical University
The author has never enjoyed orthodontics as much as now and attributes it to two new major developments in orthodontics that have greatly improved his treatment efficiency and quality:
BEYOND THE LIMITS: ORTHODONTIC SKELETAL ANCHGORAGE – The application of mini-implants as anchorage has totally expanded the range of orthodontic therapy and simplified the treatment of difficult malocclusions. In some situations, the mini-implant achieves surgery-like effects without the risk and expense of surgery.
SELF-LIGATING BRACKETS – AN EXCELLENT ORTHODONTIC SYTEM FOR ASIANS – Self-ligating brackets have proven efficacious in the alignment of severely crowded malocclusions within a short time. This self-ligating system can move teeth “with bone” instead of “through bone.” Not only moving teeth faster, but also maintaining good periodontal health. This system has enough arch-wire play in the slot with MEAW (Dr. Young Kim’s Multi-loop Edgewise Arch Wire) effects in the finishing stage of treatment. It means that in this self-ligating system, one can do difficult tooth movement like MEAW, without complicated wire bending, to solve difficult Class II, Class III, Open Bite and asymmetry cases.