Electronic Poster Presentations
E-Poster Research

Dr. Ahmed Haj Hamdan
An In-Vitro Comparative Study of the Detachment Force of Cad/Cam Designed Yttria Stabilized Zirconia and Stainless Steel Wire as Fixed Lingual Retainer

Dr. Divine Macaranas
Evaluation of the Tensile Strength and Surface Topography of Stainless Steel Wires under Various Heat Treatment Methods and Its Implication in Orthodontics

Dr. Margot Vidal
Microscopic Evaluation of Enamel Surface after Debonding of Orthodontic Brackets using Atraumatic Bracket Remover and Conventional Debonding Plier

Dr. Mustafa Ahamd Haddad
The Shear Bond Strength between Perforated Lingual Button and Conventional Lingual Button — An Analysis

Dr. Sherglaisha Alpha
A Study of Upper Airway Volume and Area of Construction in relevance to Skeletal Pattern among Filipino Adult using Cone Beam Computed Tomography
E-Poster Clinical

Dr. Ahmed Saleh Abdurabu
Effect of Twin Block Appliance to advance a short mandible on a Growing Patient — A Case Report

Dr. Ali Omer Bamualim
Non surgical Camouflage Treatment of Skeletal Class II High Angle with Open Bite Malocclusion

Dr. Geoffrey Estonactoc
Correction of Crowding Using a Distalizing Appliance — A Case Report

Dr. Geraldin Abesamis-Cruz
Nonextraction Treatment of a High Angle Skeletal Class II Malocclusion with Excessive Maxillary Incisor Display using Temporary Anchorage Devices

Dr. Johnnie Rey Sanchez
A Case of Class III Malocclusion treated with Multi-loop Edgewise Archwire Mechanics